of Recommendations
Action Program includes a prioritized summary of this
Comprehensive Plan’s recommendations. A responsible party is
identified to oversee the implementation of each recommendation.
The Action Program also describes how recommendations can be
implemented through regulatory ordinances, capital improvements
programming and other actions by the City’s planning
commission and council.
This Comprehensive Plan
goals and recommendations in this Comprehensive Plan should be
reviewed and updated as necessary. The Comprehensive Plan
contains recommendations for guiding future development and for
preserving historic, natural and cultural resources. But, it is
not a legislative document. There are three basic tools needed
to help implement this plan: 1) the zoning ordinance, 2) the
subdivision and land development ordinance, and 3) the capital
improvement program.
zoning ordinance is a legal tool to regulate the use of land.
Its regulations apply to: 1) the permitted use of land, 2) the
height and bulk of structures, 3) the percentage of a lot that
may be occupied by buildings and other impervious surfaces, 4)
yard setbacks, 5) the density of development, and 6) the height
and size of signs. The zoning ordinance has two parts: 1) the
zoning map which delineates zoning districts, and 2) the text
which sets forth the regulations that apply in each district
along with general information regarding administration of the
should revise its current zoning ordinance to more closely
reflect this Comprehensive Plan. The City should then ensure
these ordinances remain current in light of changing municipal
planning goals, prevailing development trends and state legal
and Land Development Regulations
and land development ordinances include regulations to control
the layout of streets, the planning of lots, and the provision
of utilities. The objectives of a subdivision and land
development ordinance are to:
- coordinate
street patterns;
- assure
adequate utilities and other improvements are provided in a
manner that will not pollute streams, wells and/or soils;
- reduce traffic
congestion; and
- provide sound
design standards as a guide to developers, the planning
commission and other municipal officials.
should update its subdivision and land development ordinance to
reflect this Comprehensive Plan and any new or updated zoning
Improvements Programming
improvements relate to streets, storm water systems, water
distribution, sewage treatment and other major public
facilities. These projects, which involve the expenditure of
funds beyond those needed for normal operations and maintenance,
should be prioritized in the form of a six-year capital
improvements program. The program should be prepared by the City
Planning Commission and adopted by City Council.
capital improvements program should include a capital budget
which identifies the highest priority projects recommended for
funding in the next annual budget. The Planning Commission
should revise its capital improvements program and capital
budget every year as projects are completed, new needs arise and
priorities change. A capital improvements program has many
benefits, including the following:
- It helps
assure that projects are based on the ability to pay and on
a schedule of priorities determined in advance.
- It helps
assure capital improvements are viewed comprehensively.
- It promotes
financial stability by scheduling projects at proper
- It facilitates
proper allocation of community financial resources.
Commission Role
Planning Commission should assume a lead role in assuring that
this comprehensive plan is implemented and updated as needed.
The Planning Commission should periodically review the plan and
recommend any changes needed to reflect current conditions and
priorities. The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code also
gives planning commissions other responsibilities. At the
request of the governing body, the planning commission may:
- make
recommendations to the governing body concerning the
adoption or amendment of an official map;
- prepare and
present a zoning ordinance to the governing body and make
recommendations on proposed amendments to it;
- prepare,
recommend and administer a municipality’s subdivision and
land development ordinance;
- prepare and
present a building code and housing code to the governing
- submit a
recommended capital improvements program to the governing
- promote public
interest in, and understanding of, the comprehensive plan
and planning;
- make
recommendations to governmental, civic and private agencies
and individuals as to the effectiveness of the proposals of
such agencies and individuals;
- hold public
hearings and meetings; and
- in the
performance of its functions, enter upon lands to make
examinations and land surveys with the consent of the
Body Role
Pottsville City Council should also be active in implementing
this Comprehensive Plan. The Council has the final decision on
any action that requires an ordinance or expenditure of funds to
carry out. The Council should strive to maintain a relationship
of trust and confidence with its Planning Commission.
are hundreds of funding sources available from federal
government, state government, private organizations and
foundations, for a variety of activities. The following list
summarizes the most commonly used funding sources, including
grants and loans, that can help fund community development,
economic development, recreation, housing, water and sewer, and
storm water management and other activities.
Introduction |
Population |
Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization |
| Citywide
Land Use Plan | Economic
Development | Central
Business District Revitalization |
| Transportation
| Community
Facilities and Services | Action
Program | Tables